Sivasagar: In a shocking incident that took place in Assam's Sivasagar district, a woman accused her neighbor of attempting a human sacrifice ritual in a bid to obtain concealed riches. The incident unfolded in the Bihubar region of Nazira, Sivasagar district when Mochowa Munda, a man originally from Jharkhand, was implicated in an alleged human sacrifice attempt in pursuit of buried wealth.
The victim, who spoke to the media, revealed, "The accused resides near my house and has been stalking me for the past two weeks. One day, out of the blue, he approached me and solicited my help in searching for hidden treasures buried in the soil. He claimed that to uncover the treasure, a ritual involving human sacrifice was necessary."
The victim further disclosed, "He assured me that he would pay Rs 2 lakhs to my mother prior to conducting the human sacrifice ritual on me. Additionally, he threatened to forcefully abduct me and proceed with the ritual if I refused."
Upon receiving these threats, the victim promptly sought the assistance of the police, informing them of the situation. However, when the authorities reached the accused's residence, they discovered that he had absconded since the victim had contacted the police.
This incident is not the first of its kind reported in the Sivasagar district. In 2020, three individuals, including a woman, were arrested for attempting to carry out a human sacrifice involving five children during the midnight hours of Sunday. The arrests were made while they were observing Kali Puja in Demowmukh.
The five children involved in the ordeal included one of the accused's own children. Fortunately, the children were rescued by vigilant residents in the neighborhood, who promptly handed over the accused individuals, namely Jamiul Hussain, Shafiul Husain, and Ayesha Begum, to the Sivasagar police. Jamiul and Shafiul are siblings.
According to preliminary reports, the accused woman claimed to have felt a divine connection with goddess Kali and, following consultation with a Tantrik, was advised to sacrifice five children at midnight during Kali Puja. The perpetrators, driven by superstitions and barbaric customs, believed that human sacrifice would bestow upon them good fortune, including wealth and property.
The authorities are actively investigating these incidents and are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents in the region.