On Saturday morning, the leader of Bir Lachit Sena, Shrinkhal Chaliha, was placed under house arrest by the Sivasagar police, along with the paramilitary force. This action was taken after Chaliha was accused of making threats against contractor Nirmal Moore for assaulting a member of the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad (AJYCP) in Mahmora.
A video of the altercation has been circulating on social media. In the viral video, Moore can be seen attacking the regional secretary of the AJYCP's Mahmora unit, Lakhi Das Panikar, following a heated argument.
According to reports, Chaliha phoned Moore and threatened him with serious consequences for attacking the AJYCP leader. Chaliha later spoke to the media, saying, "I am prepared to go to prison, but we will not tolerate any form of physical assault by members of the non-Assamese community."
Despite a heavy police presence, Chaliha was spotted leaving his residence on a two-wheeler hours after the area had been cordoned off by the Assam Police.