The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Assam has announced that the admit cards for the Polytechnic Admission Test (PAT) 2023 will be issued on June 5, according to Education Minister Ranoj Pegu. As per the notification attached by DTE Assam, applicants can obtain their admit cards by visiting dte.assam.gov.in and using their application number or mobile number along with their date of birth.
The PAT 2023 entrance test is scheduled to take place on June 18 at various examination centers across the country. To download the Assam PAT 2023 admit card, candidates need to follow these steps:
1. Visit dte.assam.gov.in.
2. Click on the PAT 2023 section.
3. Proceed to the applicant login page.
4. Provide your application number or phone number, and enter your date of birth.
5. Log in and select "Download Admit Card."
6. Your admit card will be generated.
7. Review the details and download the admit card.
It's important to note that admit cards will only be issued to candidates who have completed the application process within the specified deadline, possess valid application numbers, and have valid proof of payment, including a payment reference number, as stated in an official statement.
In the event that candidates are unable to download their admit cards, they can seek assistance from the help desk available on the DTE Assam website, the notification further added. It is advised to promptly address any issues faced during the admit card download process to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience on the day of the PAT 2023 examination.